Saturday, December 23, 2017
Can Twin Flame Runners have the right outlook about the Twin Flame Chasers: after the chaser change and make things right
Hello everyone, I apologize for taking so long for not writing on a blog on there!
There was a question that came to me by e-mail asking me about the Twin Flame runner having the
wrong outlook about their Twin Flame(Chaser).
The question stated- " what can the Twin Flame runner do in order to change and make things right
on order for the Twin Flame Runner can have the right outlook about the chaser?"
In order to answer this question, the best thing in that situation is not to try and make things right
because it's going to make the Twin Flame runner worse.
Why is this? It's because the more that the Twin Flame runner persists to make things right, and
also in the mist of change himself or herself to make the Twin Flame Chaser come back in order to
have the right outlook; The Twin Flame Runner will continue to resist more than ever.
Reason why the Twin Flame runner does it because that person feels that the Twin Flame Chaser
won't leave him or her alone.
My whole point is that the Chaser can do everything to change himself or herself, while persisting
the runner, but it's still not going to change their outlook.
The reason why is because the Runner has their mind made up about their Twin Flame ( Runner).
From my take on how to handle this situation is to leave the Twin Flame runner alone and put it in
the hands of the creator.
Let the creator of the universe handle the situation! The creator of the universe has the power to
change the Twin Flame runner outlook and perspective about the chaser.
Hope this helps everyone. Peace and blessings
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Can Twin Flames have the same religious backgrounds
To answer this question to the best of my ability, This can be yes and no! The reason why that is
being said because some twin flames can have the same religious backgrounds concerning the
same beliefs and some of them don't.
When it comes to " yes" concerning the religious backgrounds of twin flames. This means the
twin flames might have the same religious background concerning their beliefs, but it doesn't mean
the two people are going to see eye to eye concerning their religious beliefs.
The reason why this is spoken because both twin flames might have been taught by someone rather
it's someone in a family or probably in a church.
To deal with the " no" part of the religious backgrounds of twin flames. This means the twin
flames will not have the same religious background concerning their beliefs, which could lead to a
possibility of both of them having lack acceptance towards their backgrounds.
This happens because either the parent or the pastor of the church has drilled in their mindset
their religion is the true and only way.
Causing the twin flames from being open minded to learn from each other, this will lead to a lot
of friction to the friendship or relationship.
Despite what if the twin flames from religious backgrounds or not, they should still be open
minded to learn and respect each other beliefs.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Obsessed people and to avoid
I viewed a video by Kendrick Celestin about about an obsessed person. However, that could be any
person who could be in your life for the moment.
Understand this, he made some very great points in this video by which a lot of you people need to
pay attention to because it's actually true.
Somehow, most people don't pay attention to this nor take the matters nor the acts of an obsessed
person very seriously.
Even though this is a short blog, I am asking every single person to look at this powerful self-help
video by Kendrick Celestin concerning this topic because it can help you understand and recognize
these types of people for who they are.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Making necessary changes in your life
On this blog, I want a lot of you to understand that if you want change in your life. It all starts with you
If you want something to change, it first begins with your mindset and then actions comes behind it.
Without actions, change can't never occur. Depending on most things that one wants to change in
in their life, it sometimes is a process.
This means it doesn't happen overnight at all because we live in a microwave generation. Everybody
want everything in a day or in a week, and it doesn't work like that all of the time.
Sometimes for something to change in your life, it takes great focus and action daily so that the
creator of the universe can make the change for the good happen in your life.
For example, if you want a good body, it's not going to happen in one day or a week. It will take
great focus and action so that the change will come.
So I am asking all of you visitors and subscribers to my blog to listen to one of my favorite
you tubers Tribal Unity Organization speak about this subject down below.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Why Twin Flames Runners Run Part II
The goal of this blog post is to continue from part one from what I've written about the twin flame runner.
For most of people who are chasers, most of you are at a point of either giving up, or a mindset of
frustration, or wanting to cut person (twin flame runner) off from your life.
The reason why most of you as the chaser are feeling like because of wanting the relationship or
friendship so badly.
I want to tell you a couple of reason why the twin flame runner is running!
Reason 1. The twin flame runner runs because of being so afraid that the chaser is going to know some things are secretly hidden.
You will probably ask " Tyler what does that mean?!"
This means that the runner doesn't want the chaser to know what he or she is doing behind closed
doors of their life.
To add to this meaning, the runner doesn't want the chaser to find out or reveal none of their secrets
at all!
To make this so that everyone can understand, the runner wants to keep everything secretive due to
a huge lack of trust towards their twin flame.
Sometimes, the runner might feel that the chaser has a big mouth!
In other words, feel like you are going to run and tell their business to other people. You are not a
trustworthy person.
Reason 2. Extremely afraid of what other people think if the chaser and runner will be in a relationship or friendship.
This is extremely common when it comes to twin flames rather it's in a friendship or a relationship.
The reason the runner is so afraid is simply because he or she is afraid of getting destructive
criticism by their so called friends or family members.
This causes the twin flame runner to be so afraid to let go off old friends or distancing away from
family members who didn't care in the first place.
This type of fear of what the friends or family thing to keep the twin flame runner from having a
successful relationship or friendship.
In order words, the runner are bound by the words and actions of so-called folks.
Hope that this answers the question further to most of you. Peace and blessings.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Twin Flames mystery number 11:11 or 111 meaning:the revelations
Due to seeing this number, I have noticed that a lot of people has been seeing this number sequence 11:11 or 111 everywhere that they go.
Rather it's in the day, midday( afternoon), or at night, they always see this popular number sequence pertaining to their twin flame.
Overall, it seems like the people who has a twin flame going through separation always see this
number sequence at all times.
I will say that for those who have a twin flame wish they could allow that number sequence to go away but it doesn't at all.
For some of us, we don't know what in the world is going on and wish that the number sequence 11:11 or 111 would stop.
Concerning this mystery number 111 or 11:11, I explain what is possibly going on here!
I ask you to click on the link down below to watch the video that I have done.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
How to know if your twin flame is a naricissist
To answer this question, these possible answers will give the signs a person's twin flame is a
Sign number one: Have one noticed when their twin flame is constantly take advantage of him or
her for the worst?
This means the twin flame is constantly doing wrong towards the person ,but
when the person exposes their twin flame constant wrong doing, the twin flame gets offended and
upset and start yelling.
This is a sign the twin flame is a narcissist because he or she refuses to acknowledge their wrong
doing when knowing it. All of this comes from a prideful and self-centered attitude.
Sign number two: Have one noticed their twin flame is constantly doing lowdown and wrong things
other people? The twin flame never acknowledges none of wrong doing that he or she has done!
When the time of bad karma comes back on the twin flame due to wrong and lowdown things done
from the past, he or she constantly complaining and so upset about it.
This is a sign of a narcissist person because the twin flame find it okay to do wrong and lowdown
things to others people, but can't take it whenever bad karma comes their way.
upset about it.
Sign number three: Have one noticed their twin flame doesn't give back into the friendship or the
relationship, but want the person to always give back to him or her?
If one finds their twin flame constantly doing this every time, that's a sign the twin flame is
a narcissist because of having a attitude of being a constant taker rather than being a giver.
Sign number four: If one find their twin flame never has their back and looking out for self ? That
person always has their twin flame back.
This is a sign of a narcissist twin flame because of not looking out for the best interest of a person
who probably cares a lot.
Monday, October 23, 2017
Why do Twin flames runners run
To answer this question about the twin flame perspective, most people who have a twin flame
qualify themselves as the chaser!
However, the persistence of the chaser is due to their twin flame constantly on their mind, telepathic
connections and nudge in their spirit like person.
Due to this chaser being persistent towards their twin flame who is the runner, the chaser doesn't
understand why the runner is running at all.
To help clear the confusion, these are a very few reasons why twin flame runner is still running and
refuse to stop.
Reason 1. The negative perception and outlook that the twin flame runner has about the chaser
One probably asks, " What does that mean!" It means the twin flame runner only sees negative
things about the chaser. Maybe little good, but that's rarely with the runner.
Reason 2. Deep emotional fear or probably anxiety
This reason for this is because the twin flame runner is has a lot of deep trust issues! The trust
come from past relationships or friendship that the twin flame runner has endured from other people.
However, it will take a lot of work to convince the runner of seeing the twin flame chaser as
Reason 3. Fear of abandonment
This comes due to probably that has happened in the past of the twin flame runner. This issue
probably runs so deep until those past thoughts hit the twin flame runner when someone is wanting
to love him or her.
Due to the chaser trying to get closer in order to build a relationship or friendship with the runner, the
twin flame runner will begin to run away.
Why does this happen? They don't want to give to much of their heart and commit due to fear of
being left high and dry or abandoned.
Reason 4. Feeling of being comfortable in the present friendship or relationship
This reason comes when the twin flame runner doesn't want the chaser! It's way of the twin flame
runner saying, "I don't want a relationship or friendship with my twin flame! I want to be with
someone else. I can't accept the spirit- like connection. I will do what it takes not to be in the
presence of my twin flame."
While the chaser wants their twin flame so bad,but the runner wants to be out of their presence so
Due to the present relationship or friendship the twin flame runner already have, it makes that person
feel comfortable. In their mind and spirit, the twin flame runner is being nudged.
Reason 5. Constant harassment from the mind and spirit-like being
This is a main one why twin flame runners run! When it's someone the twin flame runner doesn't like
or have a negative perception about their twin flame. Most of are okay until seeing their twin flame
in their presence. All of a sudden, it causes the twin flame runner to be angry, grumpy,and mean
because of the presence or constantly thinking about their twin flame all of the time.
This anger, grumpy, or wanting to be mean is due the can't get their twin flame out of their mind and
the spirit like person is nudging him or her.
Reason 6. Unresolved issue or more.
This one can be common as well because it's could be something the chaser done against the runner
leading to an unresolved issue.
What's so funny about this is that the chaser don't think that he or she has done anything wrong
against the runner. The chaser is blinded by their actions don't never look back at them.
This leads to the chaser don't feel like he or she doesn't owe an apology to the runner. This causes
conflict and a bigger unresolved issue.
Due to this unresolved issue, the runner begins to run and isn't bothered with their twin flame.
Hope this answer the question. Please share if you like it. peace and blessings.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
How to know if your Twin Flame is constantly thinking about you
Before answering this question, one needs to ask themselves is this something that has been on
going for more than a year with that type of person.
If not, there is a great chance that person might not be your twin flame,but a possible soulmate is
because that person isn't one who is spiritually connected to you but probably by a soul tie!
The first sign is thoughts coming to your mind out of nowhere about that person 24/ 7 and you aren't
trying to think about this person at all.
What I mean by this is that you might be with friends, family members, relatives, or one on one
conversation with someone, or might be relaxing, or working!
Despite the scenarios that you might be in, if you find your self constantly getting thoughts every day
out of nowhere about your twin flame a lot, this is a sign that your twin flame is constantly thinking
about you.
The next sign is that you might feel the energy or vibes of the presence of that person (twin flame)
on your body. This is rarely or sometimes normal on a daily basis.
If you find your self feeling telepathic connections( presence) of your twin flame on body, this is a
sign that your twin flame is constantly thinking about you!
This comes because you and your twin flame are two spirit like beings with connected vibrations to
each other.
The next sign is that you might find your twin flame constantly doing stipid stuff in order to get your
your attention constantly.
When your twin flame is doing this on a consistent basis, that is a sign that he or she is thinking
about you!
Rather you know it or not, your twin flame is showing signs of strong desire to be in your presence!
To understand this further, I go into more details in my video! I give invitation to watch it to
understand this! Click on it down below!
Can Twin Flames be Narcissists
To answer this question when it comes to twin flames, this can be yes and no! We will discuss both
sides of these two answers.
Before getting into these two answers, which is yes and no, one must understand that twin flames are
two spirit- like beings! These Twin Flames are alike in a lot of ways,but there are little differences
between the two people!
To explain the point of "yes" when it comes to this part of the question, there can be Twin flames who
are alike and their personality or actions can be full of narcissism!
The only thing that is both of the two only show narcissism towards each other because they have
same like character!
In this case right here, Twin Flames can be narcissistic due to the like character! Most Twin Flames
show that towards each other.
One might not recognize it, but other does see it, but the same other doesn't examine himself or
The reason why is because is simply because that person is extremely focused on the narcissism of
their twin flame and failing to see it in himself or herself.
The " NO" part of this question. This connects with your twin flame might be a narcissist, and you're
This goes under the part of the little differences that between you and your twin flame.
Due to this difference of character between you and your twin flame, it causes a lot of fiction by
both of you!
This can also lead to a possible mental drainage and emotional damage to you.
The reason why is because you are generous, but your twin flame is a narcissist.
Hope enjoyed it!
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Stop pointing the finger and take responsibility for your actions
Yesterday night after I got off work, I listened to a person who I'm subscribed to named Kendrick
Celestin. He had some very powerful points pertaining to learning how to take responsibility for
actions, which a lot of people don't do in this day and time.
The reason why they don't is because they always love to point the finger and say it's someone else
fault but refuse to examine themselves in order to correct the problem in order to take responsibility
for their actions. The root comes from pride.
It's amazing when these same people who are in the wrong and refuse own up to their mistake, and
always pointing the finger, they are the same ones who get into their feelings when someone exposes
them of their failure to take responsibility of their own actions.
They always get mad when the truth is exposed about them not taking responsibility of their actions
in order to change it!
However, I invite every one of you to listen to Kendrick Celestin on what he says on stop pointing the
finger and take responsibility. Click on the description link down below! It's real talk! Listen to it!!
Friday, October 13, 2017
Twin Flames: What is the purpose of seeing synchronicity and numbers
This is a common question that is asked concerning the Twin Flame concept! Every time that one
turns around, there are numbers pertaining to your Twin flame not understanding the purpose of
The purpose of seeing numbers like numbers like 111, 324, 444, 757, pertaining to your twin flame
every single time is that the creator of the universe is sending messages to you how you and your
twin flame are alike!
For example, if you see the number 757. This probably could be 7 might be your birth month and 5
might be the day you were born. 7 might be how many aunt and uncles your twin flame has!
For the second example, you see the number 111, This probably could be 1 on your twin flame
license plate, 1 first day of the year you was born in, the other 1 could be a t-shirt or long sleeve
shirt that your twin flame was wearing!
The second purpose of seeing synchronicity and numbers pertaining to your twin flame a lot is
because the creator of universe is sending messages to indicate your twin flame is constantly
thinking about you as well.
Hope this clears up all of the confusion, I will do a video on this in the future of what I talked about
in the future due to knowing that some people will not see this blog post!
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
What are Twin Flames
This is a question that has been asked for me?! Some of you who are subscribed to me on youtube
are already familiar with me explaining this based on the video I had done!
However, Twin Flames are two humans who are two- spirit like beings that have been created by
the creator of the universe!
This means that both of the two humans have a spirit connection that can't be broken, which is
both spirits are the same!
Due to this spirit like connection that these two humans have, these two people are alike in a lot of
ways and have little differences between each other.
What do I mean by this, They act alike and their personality are 85 percent the same! There are
little differences that could be what they like to drink, eat, movies, or hobbies some sort of ways!
This spirit like connection is already there between the two people! This connection is not like a soul
tie connection which takes time to build up among the two people!
Hope this explains it! Thank you and have awesome day!
Monday, October 9, 2017
What does it mean when Twin Flames constantly separating and coming back to each other while seeing synchronicity and numbers
To answer this meaning when it comes to the Twin Flame concept, you must first understand and
ask yourself these questions!
These questions are - Is this person a like me in a way? Is that person always on my mind a
whole lot? No matter what I do to get that person off my mind, does it not away? Do i feel the
energy of that person presence on my body!?
If you can answer these questions, then that person is your twin flame.
To answer the question in the title above, this means that the creator of universe is telling the
Twin Flames they are meant to be in each other life no matter how many times both of them seperate
or come back together.
Due to the constant cycles of separation and coming back to together, the creator of the universe is
sending synchronicity and numbers get the attention of the Twin Flames as a sign to get their act
straighten up.
The cycle of separation and coming back together constantly happens is because when the Twin
Flames where together, there probably constant heated up arguing or problems out of nowhere
happened between the two.
Due to these constant arguing and problems between the two, they separated and then didn't have
any thing to with other emotionally, but their spirit like person where aligned and came back to each other.
Why is this? This is because they both miss each other a lot!
I would like to hear all of you people comments in comment page! Hope this answers the question! Thank you have awesome day or evening!
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Can Twin Flames Argue
When it comes to this question! I believe the answer can be Yes and No! The reason why this is spoken because Twin Flames won't agree on everything !
In the first part of the answer where I say "Yes" pertaining to the question! The Majority of the percentage of time,there can a major disagreement on something where both Twin Flames won't see eye to eye on a view or an issue!
Most of these disagreements can be so heated up to the point to where a lot of yelling is taking place between the two twin flames.
This takes place because the Twin Flames don't want to understand each other point, but they are trying their best to get their points across to see who is right all of the time.
The overall objective is to win the agreement! The Twin aren't there to understand nor respect each other's point of view!
In the second part of the answer where I say "NO" pertaining to this question! The Majority of the percentage of time, there can be major disagreement by both Twin flames when to comes to seeing eye to eye on something.
Due to the major disagreement between the Twin Flames in this scenario, They take the time to respect their point of view to keep themselves from arguing
Most of these disagrements can lead to the Twin Flames trying understand why they're thinking or viewing an issue a certain way!
The objective of the Twin Flames is to look at from somebody's else point of view and to use critical thinking!
Friday, October 6, 2017
Adapt, Improvise, Overcome
I want to say to all of those who are going through bad and tough times. You are warriors and all of you have lion mindset. You are tough just like a powerhouse football team!
You haven't lost yet the battle in the situation, it's a learning stage to adapt in order to win.
In order to defeat a situation, it's all about adapting the mindset.
Whenever any tough situation or problem comes my way, I always remember and use this quote " Improvise, adapt, and overcome!"
This was a quote spoken from an actor ( fighter) Mykel Jenkins who was in Undisputed 3.
In addition to this quote, It reminds how to takle a situation or hard problem such as focus on a solution in order to defeat and overcome the situation.
I encourage all of you whenever encounting a tough problem or situation, always adapt, improvise, overcome!
Have a great weekend
What is a soulmate
In this society today, people has based their belief that a soulmate can be two people based on when a person gets married due to traditional marriage. This has also lead to the belief of people believing that it can only two people only.
However, this is not actually true! A soulmate can be more than one person,which it doesn't always have to be necessary a man and a woman.
Let's look at a couple of examples to hopefully give the readers a bigger picture.
Example 1:It can be a man and woman soul tied together and probably married. Out of this couple,the soul of the man is already knitted with his two close male friends. This can also goes with women as well too!
Example 2:It can also be a two men who are best friends soul tied together. Out of this friendship, one of the men has another soul -tie with another man who is also his best friend! Overall point, the man's soul is tied or knitted with two men who are his best friends. This can also go with women who are best friends too!
After probably seeing few examples that a soul mate can be one more than person, let's look at what the meaning of a soulmate. This means that a person is soul-tied to one or maybe more, but have a lot of differences and are a like in a little bit. Soulmates are interested in each other.
I know that a lot of people might disagree with me on my short-explanation about soulmates! It's fine by me! Every body has a different opinion.
Take a look at my video if you don't understand!
Can Twin flames be different races
This question was asked of me, which was can twin flames be a diffrent races of people. For those who are not fimiliar races, it means twin flames can be different skin colors.
Like say for intance that your twin flame is white and you are black, this is what it means by twin flames being from different races!
To answer the question, " Can Twin flames be two different races of people!?" The answer can be yes! The skin color doesn't matter!
Twin flames can be different skin color, but their spirits are the same!
What do I mean by the spirits of Twin flames are the same? This means they are alike in a a lot of ways but there are lesser differences between the two people!
Both of them can see a lot of themselves in each other,but there are less differences between the two people. 80% alike in a lot of ways but 20% differences!
Always understand, the creator of universe can orcheste two people who are twin flames with different skin colors, but with the same like spirit, which is a connection both of you can't get away from.
Can Twin Flames be the same sexes
Due to religious doctrine, a lot of people who are imbedded in their religious traditions will strongly disagree with this because of their deep beliefs.
Rather than questioning their religious beliefs to see if it's right or wrong, these people don't never do true research for themselves and find out the truth!
But what a lot of people do is they hear what their pastors or someone who religious says about it rather than doing research for themselves to come to a conclusion is it right.
To answer this question, " Can twin flames be the same sexes"? The answer is "Yes"! The creator of the universe doesn't find no type of wrong when setting up maybe two men or two men to become twin flames.
Understand this, this can be in the form of building a friendship with the one other! The twin flames rather it's a 2 men or 2 women, they are two spirit like being together.
Both of them are created by the creator of the universe with the same two same spirits,but they can be different skin color or same skin color. It doesn't matter.
I know that a lot of people will refuse to aceept this because of the heavy doctrination of thier religious beliefs! It's fine by me!
Like I said earlier, Twin flames can be the same sexes!
Is it possible for the for the twin flame runner to lose their feelings for the twin flame chaser
This question is probably very common among the twin flame concept! A lot of people who are the twin flame chaser has probably pondered over and over again about this scenerio!
To better answer this question, rather than asking the if the twin flame runner loses their feelings! A person need to ask themselves " Do the twin flame chaser have a spirit like connection with this person!?
What do I mean by this spirit conection? This means that nomatter what the chaser twin flame does," the spirit connection won't go away! The Twin flame runner has their twin flame on their mind all the time, it can't go away nomatter if they're not in their presence, no pictures, no looking at photos of them on face book!
To get to the point, If you have done every thing to get that your twin flame (runner) off your mind, which this is on a consistent daily basis that has been going on for more than a year!
There is a 90% chance that they're thinking about you, which results in a spirit connection. The twin flame runner won't lose the feeling in their mind or possible telepathic connections about you. When it comes to overall the outlook about you, that can change!
When a spirit connection, they can't dodge the spirit connection in their mind, or from thier gut, that feeling can't change!
Do Twin Flames Reunite
Concerning this question, a lot of people wonder if twin flames unite or not!? The best way to answer this question is that, " It's all in the timing or decision of the creator of the universe!
The creator of the universe is the one who will know the true timing when to decide when the twin flame might reunite with each other!
The creator of the universe know what's best if it's the right or wrong timing for a person to reunite with their twin flame!
Sometimes, it might be years before a person reunite with that twin flame! Sometimes, it might take a very long time i s because the creator of the universe knows what is best between the both of you.
Make no mistake, the creator of the universe can put both of you to reunite! Depending on the circumstances on what the creator of the universe might see up ahead , it might not be the best timing!
Can Twin flames cut the spirit connection between each other
This is something that I strongly believe that has been pondering with people who has twin flames.
This question is can twin flames cut the spirit connection between each other. I will say." No!"
The reason is because it's a connection of two spirit like beings that have been created by the creator of the universe!
This spirit like connection is something something that can't be broken two spirit like being no matter how hard that we try because it's a spirit not a soul tie !
No matter how hard that we try to shake that person off, we must understand it's a spirit connection not a soul tie!
Can Twin Flames be an Introvert
This is a question that might be common among the twin flame concept. Before answering that question, let's look at the definition of an introvert. It's someone who is shy and doesn't like to be around or to avoid a crowd of people.
To answer this question: can twin flames be introverts? This answer can be yes and no! Listen closely!
To answer the first part,which I spoke "YES!" This pertains to the like qualities that these twin flames have and discovered about each other.
Remember, Twin flames are two people who are a lot alike in a lot of ways!
To answer the second part, which i spoke " No"! This is pertains to the little differences that these have twin flames have and probably haven't discovered about each other.
In what I mean is that your twin flame could be an extrovert and you could be introvert. That's the little differences in this case here.
As I have always spoke, Twin flames are a lot alike,but they have litte differences with each other.
Always know that you and your twin flame can be the same or different in that area, but it depends on the personality!
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Before answering this question, I want to shed a little light pertaining to what are Twin Flames to everyone reading this blog pos...
To all of the Twin Flame chasers that have been chasing after their twin flame, but at the same time feeling extremely frustrated...