Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What are Twin Flames

     This is a question that has been asked for me?!  Some of you  who are subscribed to me on youtube

are already familiar with me  explaining this based on the video I had done!

However,  Twin Flames  are  two humans who are two- spirit like beings  that have been created by

the creator of the universe!

This means that  both of the two humans have a spirit connection that can't be  broken, which is

both spirits are the same!

Due to this spirit like connection that these two humans have, these two people are alike in a lot of

ways and have little differences between each other.

What do I mean  by this,  They  act alike  and their personality are 85 percent the same!  There are

little differences that could be what they like to drink, eat, movies, or hobbies some sort of ways!

This spirit like connection is already there between the two people! This connection is not like a soul

tie connection which  takes time to build up among the two people!

Hope this explains it! Thank you and have awesome day!

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