Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Can Twin Flames have the same religious backgrounds

     To answer this question to the best of my ability, This can be yes and no!  The reason why that is

 being  said because  some twin flames can have the same religious backgrounds concerning the

same beliefs  and some of them don't.

   When it comes to " yes"  concerning the religious backgrounds of twin flames.    This means the 

twin flames might have the same religious background concerning their beliefs, but it doesn't mean

 the two people are going to see eye  to eye concerning their religious beliefs.

 The reason why this is spoken because both twin flames might  have been taught  by someone rather

it's someone in a family or probably in a church.

    To deal with the " no"  part of  the religious backgrounds of twin flames.  This means  the  twin

 flames  will not have the same religious background concerning their beliefs, which could lead to a

possibility of  both of them having lack acceptance towards their backgrounds.

   This happens because  either the parent or  the pastor of the church has drilled in their mindset 

 their religion is the true and only way.

    Causing the twin flames  from being open minded to  learn from each other,  this will lead to a lot

of friction to  the friendship or  relationship. 

    Despite what if  the twin flames from religious backgrounds or not, they should still be open

 minded to learn  and respect each other beliefs. 


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