Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Why Twin Flames Runners Run Part II

The goal of this blog post is to continue from part one from what I've  written about the twin flame runner.

For most of people who are chasers, most of you are at a point of  either giving up, or a mindset of

frustration, or wanting to cut  person (twin flame runner)  off from your life.

The reason why most of you as  the chaser are feeling like because of  wanting the relationship or

friendship so badly.

I want to tell you a couple of reason why the twin flame runner is running!

Reason 1. The twin flame runner runs because of being  so afraid that the chaser is going to know some things  are secretly hidden.

You will probably ask " Tyler what does that mean?!"

This means that the runner doesn't want  the chaser to know what he or she is doing behind closed

doors of their life. 

To add to this meaning,  the runner doesn't want the chaser to find out or reveal none of their secrets

at all!

To make this so that everyone can understand,  the runner wants to keep everything secretive due to 

 a huge lack of trust towards their twin flame.

 Sometimes, the runner might feel that the chaser has a big mouth!

 In other words, feel like you are going to run and tell their business to other people.  You are not a

 trustworthy person.

   Reason  2.   Extremely afraid of what other people think  if  the chaser and runner will be in a relationship or friendship.

   This is extremely common when it comes to twin flames rather it's in a friendship or a relationship.

   The reason the runner is so afraid is simply because  he or she is afraid of getting destructive

criticism by their so called friends or family members.

   This causes the twin flame runner to be so afraid to let go off old friends or distancing away from

family members who didn't care  in the first place.

    This type of fear  of what the friends or family thing to keep the twin flame runner from having a

successful relationship or friendship.

    In order words,  the runner are bound by the words and actions of so-called folks.

    Hope that this answers the question further to most of you. Peace and blessings.

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