Monday, October 9, 2017

What does it mean when Twin Flames constantly separating and coming back to each other while seeing synchronicity and numbers

   To answer this meaning when it comes to the Twin Flame concept,  you must first understand  and  

ask yourself these questions! 

   These questions are - Is this person a like me in a way? Is that person always on my mind a 

whole lot?  No matter what I do to get that person off my mind, does it not away?  Do i feel the 

energy of that person presence on my body!? 

    If you can answer these questions, then  that person is your twin flame. 

     To answer the question in the title above,  this means that  the creator of universe is telling the 

Twin Flames they are meant to be in each other life no matter  how many times both of them seperate

or come back together. 

 Due to the constant cycles of separation and coming back to together,  the creator of the universe is 

sending synchronicity and numbers  get the attention of the Twin Flames as a sign to get their act 

straighten up. 

    The cycle of separation and coming back together constantly happens is because  when the Twin 

Flames where together, there probably constant heated up arguing or problems out of nowhere 

happened between the two. 

    Due to these constant arguing and problems between the two, they separated and then didn't have 

any thing to with other emotionally, but their spirit like person where aligned and  came back to each other. 

Why is this? This is because they both miss each other a lot! 

I would like to hear all of you people comments in comment page! Hope this answers the question! Thank you have awesome day or evening! 

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