Monday, October 23, 2017

Why do Twin flames runners run

    To answer this question about the twin flame perspective, most people who have a twin flame

qualify themselves as the chaser!

However, the persistence of the chaser is due to their twin flame constantly on their mind, telepathic

connections and nudge in their spirit like person.

Due to this chaser being persistent towards their twin flame who is the runner,  the chaser doesn't

understand why the runner is running at all.

To help clear the confusion,  these are a very few reasons why twin flame runner is still running and

refuse to stop.

Reason 1.  The negative perception  and outlook that the twin flame runner has about the chaser

One probably asks, " What does that mean!"  It means  the twin flame runner only sees negative

things about the chaser.  Maybe little good, but that's rarely with the runner.

Reason 2.   Deep emotional fear or probably anxiety

 This reason for this is because   the twin flame runner is has  a lot of deep trust issues! The trust

come from past relationships or friendship that the twin flame runner has endured from other people.

However, it will take a lot of work to convince  the runner  of  seeing the twin flame chaser as


Reason 3.  Fear of  abandonment

 This comes due to probably that has happened in the past of the twin flame runner.  This issue

probably runs so deep until those past thoughts hit the twin flame runner  when someone is wanting

to love him or her.

Due to the chaser trying to get closer in order to build a relationship or friendship with the runner, the

twin flame runner will begin to run away.

Why does this happen? They don't want to give to much of their heart and commit due to fear of 

being left high and dry or abandoned.

Reason 4. Feeling of being comfortable in  the present friendship or relationship

 This reason comes when the twin flame runner doesn't want the chaser!  It's  way of  the twin flame

runner saying, "I don't want a relationship or friendship with my twin flame! I want to be with

someone else. I can't accept the spirit- like connection. I will do what it takes not to be in the

presence of my twin flame."

While the chaser wants their twin flame so bad,but the runner wants to be out of their presence so


 Due to the present relationship or friendship the twin flame runner already have, it makes that person

feel comfortable. In their mind and spirit, the twin flame runner is being nudged.

Reason 5.   Constant harassment from the mind and spirit-like being

This is a main one why twin flame runners run! When it's someone the twin flame runner doesn't like

or have a negative perception about their twin flame.  Most of are okay until seeing their twin flame

in their presence.  All of a sudden, it causes the twin flame runner to be angry, grumpy,and mean

 because of the presence or constantly thinking about their twin flame all of the time. 

This anger, grumpy, or wanting to be mean is due the can't get their twin flame out of their mind and

the spirit like person is nudging him or her.

Reason 6.  Unresolved issue or more.

 This one can be common as well  because it's could be something the chaser done against the runner

leading to an unresolved issue.

 What's so funny about this is that the chaser don't think that he or she has done anything wrong

against the runner.  The chaser is blinded by their actions don't never look back at them.

 This leads to the chaser don't feel like he or she doesn't owe an apology to the runner.  This causes

conflict and a bigger unresolved issue.

Due to this unresolved issue,  the runner begins to run and isn't bothered with their twin flame.

Hope this answer the question. Please share if you like it. peace and blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Tyler, I’ve been following your videos for awhile and I want to thank you for your great work. I have something I really wanted to ask.
    If my twin flame has a narcissistic personal disorder, how can I know if he really is my twin flame or if I was just being fooled?
    Thank you


Why your friend hates you