Friday, October 6, 2017

Is it possible for the for the twin flame runner to lose their feelings for the twin flame chaser

This question is probably very common among the twin flame  concept!   A lot of people who are the twin flame chaser has probably  pondered over and over again about  this scenerio! 
To  better answer this question,   rather than asking the  if the twin flame runner loses their feelings!  A person need to ask themselves " Do the twin flame chaser  have a spirit like connection with this person!? 
What do I mean by this spirit conection? This means that  nomatter what the chaser twin flame  does," the spirit connection won't go away! The Twin flame runner  has their twin flame on their mind all the time, it can't go away nomatter  if they're not in their presence, no pictures, no looking at photos of them on face book! 
To get to the  point,  If you have done every thing to get that your twin flame (runner) off your mind, which this is on a consistent daily basis that has been going on for more than a year!  
There is a 90% chance that they're thinking about you,  which results in a spirit connection.  The twin flame runner won't lose the feeling in  their mind or possible telepathic connections  about you. When it comes to  overall  the outlook about you,  that can change!
When a spirit connection, they can't dodge the spirit connection in their mind, or from thier gut, that feeling can't change!   

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