Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Can Twin Flames be Narcissists

To answer this question when it comes to twin flames,  this can be yes and no!  We will discuss both

sides of these two answers.

Before getting into these two answers, which is yes and no,  one must understand that twin flames are

two spirit- like beings! These Twin Flames are alike in a lot of ways,but there are little differences

between the two people!

To explain the point of  "yes" when it comes to this part of the question,  there can be  Twin flames who

are alike and their personality or actions can be full of  narcissism!

The only thing that is  both of  the two only show narcissism  towards each other because  they have

same like character!  

In this case right here,  Twin Flames  can be narcissistic due to the like character! Most Twin Flames

show that towards each other.

One might not  recognize it, but other does see it, but the same other doesn't examine himself or


The reason why is because  is simply because that person is extremely focused on the narcissism of

 their twin flame  and failing to see it in himself or herself.

 The " NO" part of this question.  This connects with your twin flame might be a narcissist, and you're


This goes under the part  of  the little differences that  between you and your twin flame.

Due to this difference of character between you and your twin flame, it causes a lot of fiction by

both of you!

This can also  lead to a possible mental drainage and emotional damage to you.

The reason why is because you are generous, but your twin flame is a narcissist.

Hope enjoyed it!

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