Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Twin Flames: Can you see characteristics of your twin flame in other people

     This was a question  from someone who was curious this phoneme.  Can this happen with

someone who has a twin flame?  Does this occur once? Does this happen every so often with folks?

      To answer this question about this phoneme occurring once or numerous of times, I would say it

can happen to someone who has a twin flame.

       I believe that it might be a sign  sent from the creator of the universe revealing something new 

about  a person's twin flame.

     To further explain,  it's a  new characertistic about a person's twin flame can be a solid

 new refection of himself or herself.

      This means that the person can learned some new characteristic of their self! Based on the

 revelation that person received about their twin flame from the creator, this adds  on to  other

 characteristics about their twin flame.

       Too, these characteristics can be  a  reminder  how much you see yourself  in your Twin Flame. 

Most of us say to ourselves," That person reminds me of few characteristics of my twin flame until

it's extremely ridiculous.

     When it comes  to what are Twin Flames? They are two people who are spirit like beings,

they're alike in a lot of ways, but have fewer differences. 

     Hope this helps. Peace and blessings.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Twin Flames chasers: will the chaser stop chasing the runner

    As I spoken before about Twin Flame chasers,  the majority of them are extremely persistent when

it comes to wanting their twin flame very baldy.

    Throughout all of the persisting,  the chaser  will probably get a revelation that the runner does not

want the build a relationship or a friendship.

      After receiving this revelation,  this will hurt the feelings of the chaser very deeply!  This will

probably lead to depression, anger, confusion, sadness, and  constantly asking question.

     Out of all of having these possible feelings, this will lead to the question.  Will the chaser

stop chasing after being hurt by the runner?

      My answer to this question can be " yes and no!  It can go both ways all depending on how much

the chaser is willing to long suffer with the runner.

    Pertaining to the question, will the chaser stop chasing?   I spoke " yes," which is the first part of

this question.

    The reason why is because  most chasers will get extremely tired of persisting and long suffering

with the runner

     This can lead to a lot of frustration causing the chaser to say things like," I'm done with my Twin

Flame! No more long suffering, I'm giving it to the hands of the creator. This stubborn joker can't

see my friendliness or kindness. "

     This will cause the chaser to  quit and never continue chasing the runner again. The chaser moves

on with their lives, but still constantly thinks about the runner.

     The other part of the answer when I spoke, " No!"   The reason why  most chasers won't stop

because the runner is on their mind too much and can't shake it off, or  the love probably might be

way too deep.

        However, most chasers   will having feelings of frustration, anger, confusion, and asking

questions why the runner doesn't want him or her.

        Due to these negative feelings being constant, , it possibility leads the chaser to quit and give up

 for a little while! This could mean days, months, or years..

    I hope this helps. Have a great and awesome day.



Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Is it possible your Twin Flame doesn't know you're their twin

    Before answering this question,  I want to shed a little light pertaining to what are Twin Flames

to everyone reading this blog post .

  Twin Flames are two spirit like beings, which these two people are connected to each other.

     This connection is not a soul-tie, but a spiritual connection. One has to understand that this

connection feels like you knew that person before time in the spirit world or in another world.

   This is what is so deep and interesting about  the twin flame connection because it's  more unique

than soul-ties.

    To answer this question, is it possible for your twin flame doesn't know you're their twin?  I will


   This is because  it can happen when the two people have met up together and both of them notice

spiritual connection.

   Next,  One of them can recognize the qualities and likeness to noticing that person is  their Twin


  Then too, the other person notice their is some sort of connection there, but doesn't understand it at


    Due to not understanding it, this leads to that person  being is possible denial  the connection

is there and also constantly thinking about the other individual.

    This  same phoneme can also happen when  after both of them have meet and known each other

quite some time.

  From this type of situation, this can lead to a possible runner and chaser cycle.  Sometimes, the

cycle can can change in quite some time.

   In that scenario, it could end up the chaser have received the revelation that the runner is their twin


   At the same time, the runner doesn't have that revelation at all leading to being denial!

  This can go the other way around with the runner has the revelation, but the chaser doesn't know at


 Hope this was an interesting blog. Have a nice day or evening.


Monday, June 11, 2018

Stop thinking about your twin flame: is it possible

        This is a question that has been posed to me a whole lot lately.  I understand the reason why

because  a lot of people want to stop thinking about their twin flame.

         These are the same people who have done all they could to stop thinking about their twin flame,

and nothing has worked.

        Even though nothing has worked at all due to them being consistent, they have this question as

 to why this spiritual connection is still there.   

         Is it possible to stop thinking about your twin flame?  I am not going to say that it's possible or

not when it comes to twin flame.  I don't want sit here and lie to you about this  extremely puzzling

and mysterious question.

       The reason for speaking about this  because of thinking about my twin flame! No matter what I

do,  it won't  shake off me .

        To tell the truth that some of you  can relate, I have done activities and being busy consistently .

It worked for a temporary time period, but  it would come back out of nowhere.

       I know some of  you can relate to this matter.  Most of you people have been consistent and it

goes away temporary.  Later on, these thoughts come back!

        On some days, my twin flame  extremely strong on my mind!  So extremely strong to the point

of can't taking it no more, it leads me on rare occasions  to venting to my truth worthy friend.

     Most of you can relate to this as well!   Most of you probably have been through this type of


      As for myself,   I do activities to calm it down, but it doesn't lead it to go away for good.  It does

help me though.

    Another thing, I do but it's rarely. When it gets extremely too strong, I do go vent to my

trustworthy friend. I  do this hardly, but like i said it's rare. It helps as well for me.

  In contrast from that, the reason why I haven't done a video on this question because of all I haven't

yet found a truthful and accurate answer. 

 The answer pertaining to this question still remains a huge mystery. I know a lot of you probably

don't want to hear it.

 I rather be real and honest with you, then to stand up telling a bold face lie!

Peace and blessings to you.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Twin Flames Runners: Will they stop running

   In the mindset of the chaser, most of us do wonder if the chaser is going to stop running for good.

To answer this question,  this can go a few ways!

   The first way is  the runner probably will stop running  is because he or she finally came to the

conclusion to accept this is the person whom he or she is connected to.

    Next, the runner could stop running and realized that he or she need to make it right with the

chaser in order to come back into possible reunion again.

    The other way  could be  the runner   will  sometimes play the trick on the chaser that he or she is

ready to come back into reunion, but doesn't want union at all.

    This reason is because the runner refuses to accept  due to not wanting a friendship or a

relationship with their Twin Flame.

    The next and the last way is that the runner could  have a huge conviction  coming from the creator

of the universe to go back to the chaser  in order to establish a possible reunion. 

     To all the chasers who are reading this blog, please understand that it's all about  possibly of

them they might stop running,but it's not guaranteed!

     When the runner will stop,  sometimes probably will and all based on timing! When will that

timing be, nobody knows except the creator of the universe.

     Sometimes, the runner has probably moved on to someone else rather it's a friendship or a


      Hope that this answer the question. Please leave your comments below. Peace and blessings to everyone.   


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Twin Flames Chaser- Runner cycle: why it's hard to physically reunite

    The subject title of what is enlisted above comes very common among  the twin flame concept.

My reason for  stating this because of a lot people who have a twin flame  go through this type of

situation when it comes to this cycle.

    In other words, One person is  the twin flame runner and the other is the twin flame chaser.

However, this cycle reverses  as the person who was the runner is now the chaser and the person

who was the chaser is now the runner.

     The reason why this cycle happens is simply because of  one might realize what he or she had and

the other  doesn't want to be disappointed or hurt again. 

     Also, the second reason why this happens is because of  one probably might feel a love for their

 twin flame or the other might be afraid to recieve true love.

     What ever the case maybe  in most situations  with most people, this situation begins to be a

constant cycle never ending at all. 

    The reason why is because they are both spiritually connected to each other.  This causes the two

people who are Twin Flames can't shake each other off.

   What this means by the twin flames can't shake each other off is that they can't stop thinking about

each other, feel each other vibes telepathy, maybe dreams, or visions.

     Due to all of this, it causes the two people who are twin flames difficult not to physically reunite

at all!

   There are four possible reasons  why  it's hard for two people who are twin flames to  physically


1).The  first reason could be  thinking it might turn out to be in disappointment again.

2)   The second reason could be that they are extremely afraid to love each other again.

3).  The third reason could be they're afraid of being hurt again.
4)   The  fourth reason that both of them believing it will be same old drama if they reunite again.

  Hope this helps! Peace and blessings to all.


Monday, April 30, 2018

Twin Flame chasers: is it possible to both to chase

     Here is another question that was proposed to me when it comes to the Twin Flame concept. This

comes as  when  two people who are Twin Flames  chase after each other.

    To answer this question, is it possible for two people who are Twin Flames chase each other? I

will have to say " yes!"

     In this part, the first reason could be the two people who are Twin Flames might be in

separation for a certain period of time.

      During that time of separation, the twin flames could be  missing each other at that point and 


     However, these twin flames make an effort to probably get into contact with one another in order

 to be into reunion again.

     For this part, this is what one calls two people who are Twin Flames chasing one another just

 because they desire to be each other presence again.

     In the second part,  the second reason could be the two people who are Twin Flames could be at a

 point of meeting each other for the first time.

     Due to the first meeting,  the two people  continue to think about each other  a whole lot.  This

 goes to which they notice a spiritual connection among each other.

   Therefore, this causes the two  people to start chasing after one another.  In other words, they do

whatever they got to do in order to reunite with each other.

   Hopefully this will help answer the question. peace and blessings!   

Friday, April 27, 2018

Twin Flames: Can you feel the emotions of your Twin Flame telepathy

    When it comes to this question: Can one feel their emotions telepathy ? We must understand first 

that Twin Flames are two people who are spirit like beings! 
    These two  spirit like beings can pick up on each other's  vibrations that are coming from each

other spirit at any time. 

     To answer this question in the best way  when it comes to feeling the emotions of  one's Twin 

Flame telepathy, one of  Twin Flames can feel in their gut (spirit), or sent  frequencies(energies) to 

their spirit to cause that person to feeling all over their body that something  has happened, or 

something is going on with their Twin Flame.

      Either way, one can't tell what it is because  it hasn't been revealed to that person  what's going on 

 or what has happened to your Twin Flame. 

       Only the creator of the universe knows what has happened  in the present or past moment  with 

   one's Twin Flame. 

     Even though one is feeling in their their gut( spirit),or sent frequencies(energies) to their spirit to 

cause that person to feel on their body:  it's always up to that person to ask the creator of the universe 

 what is the meaning behind all of  it. 

     Hope this helps! Peace and blessings! 


Saturday, April 21, 2018

Twin Flame chasers: read this

    To all of the Twin Flame chasers that have been chasing after their twin flame, but at the same 

 time feeling extremely frustrated at the most part.

    All of the time, most of you have been extremely persistent chasing your twin flame no matter

what due to wanting either a friendship or a relationship extremely bad.

     In other others, you will do whatever you have to do in order to have that friendship or

  relationship with  your Twin Flame at all costs.

     Due to all of the persistence,your Twin Flame is running and resisting at all costs.  Why is this? 

This is because of probably don't want to accept the spiritual connection, or probably doesn't even

want you.

    I want to say to all of the Twin flame chasers! Rather it's in a relationship or a friendship, you need

to stop chasing your Twin flame who doesn't want you or either don't want to accept both of you are

spiritually connected  still fighting it.

  Why I say this is that? It's going to put a lot of emotional stress, badge, and frustration in your life to

the point that it's not worth it.

   The reason why I say  this statement because  why would continue to persist someone who doesn't

want you or  fighting the spiritual connection that both of you have.

    Even though you might have that person on your mind or feeling telepathic vibrations, don't go

persist your twin flame who is constantly running.

    It's better to put that situation in that hands of the creator rather than keep persisting that person. It

 will save a lot of time,frustration, anger, and keeping yourself from bitterness.

   Twin Flame chasers!! Stop persisting your TWIN FLAME!!!!!!!!!! 


Friday, April 20, 2018

Can there be Twin Flames both runners

    Before answering this question, we must first understand that Twin Flames have spirit like beings .

    In order words, they are two people that are connected to each  by spirit to which they are spirit

like beings.

      To answer this question,  can two people that are twin flames be runners!   I will say " Yes! This

can have to two people.

       The first reason can be these two people that are twin flames  might recognize they are

connected to each other by the spirit, and can't shake each other off no matter where they at.

      Although they both know they are spiritually connected to each other,  both of these two people

can't accept at all. 

      This results in these two people running from each other and not coming into physical reunion

  with each other!

      The second reason can be these two people could be into physical reunion and also be reunited 

with each other  rather it might be a relationship or friendship.

      Some where along the way, there were some bad things that happened in that relationship or

   friendship to cause these two people  to physically separate from each other.   

       Due to the bad mishaps happening in  both of these two people, they begin to be runners!  Why

is that?  This is because of they probably don't want to deal with each other anymore.

        Peace and blessings to all of you reading!

Friday, February 23, 2018

Is Twin Flames about the new age; exposing the lie part II

   From the first  part of what I explained that a lot of people  who are ignorant of the Twin Flame

concept,  these are people who still believe that  it has something to do with the practice of the new

age dealing with the occult.

   On my journey on the teaching the  Twin Flame concept,  there are some people  who believe that

telepathy  also deal with the  practices of the occult.

    Nothing is further from the truth,   the reason why I say this because  they don't know what is

telepathy  when it comes to the Twin Flame concept.

     From what they don't understand that telepathy in the Twin Flame concept   is nothing but coming

from  two people who have spiritual connection( spirit like beings)  are feeling each other energy on

their body.

    Does this feeling each other energy has something to do with the occult? No, it doesn't because

 one isn't communicating with evil and dangerous deities or dark angels.

   The telepathic teaching in twin flame concept all comes from  two people who are Twin Flames

in the fleshly body but inward spirit like beings who feel each other energy from time to time.

     This comes time to time whenever something could be going on at the time.  That cycle could be

that the Twin Flame are thinking about each other.

      I am here to say that  we are in a fleshly body but inward body called the spirit!  This is where a

of holier than thou people who are religious don't understand at all.

      These holier than thou people are so ignorant that it speaks about the body, soul and spirit in the


      However,  telepathy doesn't have nothing to do with the new age dabbling the occult.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Is Twin Flames about the new age: exposing the lie

    I want to clarify this question and a lot of people don't understand the Twin Flames concept at all.

This  reason comes is simply because a lot of  these people believe that spiritual that has something

to do with occult practices.

    Even though that the twin flame concept comes from two people who are  two -spirit like beings

and are alike in a lot of ways, this doesn't  have nothing to do with occult practices dealing with the

new age at all.

    This reason is justified is simply because why would the creator  of the universe send two people

fleshly form who are two spirit like beings  who have a spiritual connection with each other.

      Too, These so called folks I call them holier than thou always think that when a person is seeing

numbers & synchronicity everywhere  has something to deal with practices of the occult.

      Nothing is further from the truth, the people don't understand that the creator of the universe uses

those number & synchronicity as signs to tell us reveal something concerning  one's twin flame.

     Just like in the bible same similar things when there were signs and wonders being done in

 Egypt towards Moses by the creator of the universe, this is no different folks!

      Just like when it comes to dreams on the bible, there were prophets who had dreams that were

given by the creator of the universe.

    As I ask what makes it any different from the Twin Flame concept folks?  There is none at all

when it comes to Twin Flames.

    When it comes to the Twin Flame concept, same ordeal here when the creator of the universe

 give a hidden message, but it's up to us to ask the creator what's the meaning of that dream.

      In my opinion, Twin Flames isn't nothing of dealing the new age such as the occult. It's nothing

but two people who are connected to each other by the spirit.



Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The huge mess in the Twin Flame community

   On my journey on teaching the Twin Flame concept, I have noticed there is a great  huge mess that

is in the Twin Flame community.

   Why is this?   That's simply because of people who try to look for help and more insight by so-

called teachers who teach the  concept online or on YouTube.  It doesn't make no difference.

   Due to  the majority of people who can't find help  or get confused  about the twin flame concept, it

causes them not to believe in it no more.

     This leads to a lot of unanswered questions  left in the dark about the Twin Flame concept. This

leads to people  not knowing the difference between Twin Flames, Twin Souls, Soulmates, and

Karmic Relationships!

   From the mess in the twin flame community, A lot of people aren't clear about these things  \

whenever they are in a relationship or a friendship!

   Due to the confusion and complication, a lot of people listen to other so- called teachers online or

on you tube,  causing them to think that person is their Twin Flame or Soulmate.

   At the same time with most people, they listen to other teachers and then hop from one relationship

to another one, or one friendship to another one  while thinking it's their twin flame!

   In the mist of hoping from one to another one, they can't discern is it a twin flame, or twin soul, or

 a soulmate!

   After the massive amount of disappointments,  it leads them to bitter and saying that the twin flame

concept is nothing but bs.

     Why is this?  It comes because   the lack of  true guidance from the so- called teachers who are

 online or on youtube.

    This is what leads to people saying that there is a lot of crap and complication concerning the

 Twin Flame concept.

     How to do I know this?  This is from the tremendous and massive amounts of video

requests that come to me and telling me that my twin flame teachings are the realest they've seen!

The questions that come to me on a weekly basis that comes through email.

   This is how I know that there is  a lot of mess that needs to be cleaned up in the twin flame



Friday, February 2, 2018

Twin Flames: Can Twin Flames have age differences

   This was a question that was proposed to me about Twin Flame age differences! Can this be

possible? Or can this thing not be possible?

    To answer this question, I say "Yes"!  The reason why is simply because   the age does not matter

when it comes to Twin Flames!

    Both of  Twin Flames are just two spirit like beings,but  was born in different periods or decades!

 In addition to this part, both of the Twin Flames might have the same or different zodiac signs,

 but all of this is to show the likeness and difference between both of them.

    Always remember  that the spirit like beings are the same by which there is no age, but it was for a

reason and time both of the Twin Flames were born in those time periods!

  Hope this helps! Peace and blessings to everyone!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Twin Flames( Souls) vs Obsessed mind: why people think they are the same!

In this case I want to expose all why people think they are the same,but they're not at all.  Due to a  

most people being hurt in previous relationship or friendship, they  have mistaken  a person or 

probably more for  someone being their twin flame,but wasn't at all. 

Because of this happening in their life, they believe that the twin flame concept is bs?  They tend to 

bash other people who have truly explained  experienced it. 

The first reason why these people think twin flames( souls) and obsessed mind is the same  because

they had a soul tie  with someone  and had feelings for that person  from which building a  

relationship or friendship in the past to point of  they were constantly thinking about that person, but

it was temporary time period. 

The second reason why  people think twin flames ( souls) and obsessed mind is the same because 

they hop from one relationship or friendship to the other because of  the mistake of thinking 

someone is their twin flame. In reality it's not.  they are going by immediate emotional attraction to 

that person causing to think obsessively! Why  is because of the emotional attraction is there!?  

It wasn't the gut( spirit)man or spirit like being. 

These are the two main reasons why people have this mindset of thinking the twin flames is bs and 

it's nothing but an obsessed mind. 

Peace and blessings to everyone 

Monday, January 29, 2018

Twin Flames: can Jealousy be possible

This question was proposed to me concerning the Twin Flame Jealousy.  Can  a Twin Flame feel

jealous  towards the person whom he or she is in a relationship or friendship with, or that person

could have been in relationship or friendship in?

 In this position in what I speak, this could be yes or no?  Let me explain my case!  On the yes part?

This can come when Twin Flames come into a meeting with each other, then it  comes to a point of

 both of these two people build either a relationship or friendship with each!

As the friendship or relationship  as time goes on and imparting each other,  this is where the Twin

Souls come into creation.

Time goes along and passes, there begins probably a mishaps and problems to causes  a possible

separation!  After this happens, When one of the Twin Souls see  their Twin with someone else a

relationship, he or she become jealous!

Why is this?  It's because the  twin wants that person so badly due to precious memories of  he or

she had in the past.

When it comes to the no part? This can work both ways!  This means  that  a person can meet up

with their Twin Flame by which there isn't no emotional attraction towards him or her.  Leading to it

was a first time meeting.

The other way works when  two people are  twin flames but decide to go further to build a

relationship or a friendship with each other to which it forms or creates into Twin Souls!

As time goes on,  these Twin Souls  might have another friend that comes around,but never have no

feelings of jealousy towards one other.

However in this case, this jealousy doesn't form because true love is there and they're not going to do

anything to violate to dismantle the relationship or friendship.

Hope this answer the question! Peace and blessings!

Why your friend hates you