Friday, April 27, 2018

Twin Flames: Can you feel the emotions of your Twin Flame telepathy

    When it comes to this question: Can one feel their emotions telepathy ? We must understand first 

that Twin Flames are two people who are spirit like beings! 
    These two  spirit like beings can pick up on each other's  vibrations that are coming from each

other spirit at any time. 

     To answer this question in the best way  when it comes to feeling the emotions of  one's Twin 

Flame telepathy, one of  Twin Flames can feel in their gut (spirit), or sent  frequencies(energies) to 

their spirit to cause that person to feeling all over their body that something  has happened, or 

something is going on with their Twin Flame.

      Either way, one can't tell what it is because  it hasn't been revealed to that person  what's going on 

 or what has happened to your Twin Flame. 

       Only the creator of the universe knows what has happened  in the present or past moment  with 

   one's Twin Flame. 

     Even though one is feeling in their their gut( spirit),or sent frequencies(energies) to their spirit to 

cause that person to feel on their body:  it's always up to that person to ask the creator of the universe 

 what is the meaning behind all of  it. 

     Hope this helps! Peace and blessings! 


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