On my journey on teaching the Twin Flame concept, I have noticed there is a great huge mess that
is in the Twin Flame community.
Why is this? That's simply because of people who try to look for help and more insight by so-
called teachers who teach the concept online or on YouTube. It doesn't make no difference.
Due to the majority of people who can't find help or get confused about the twin flame concept, it
causes them not to believe in it no more.
This leads to a lot of unanswered questions left in the dark about the Twin Flame concept. This
leads to people not knowing the difference between Twin Flames, Twin Souls, Soulmates, and
Karmic Relationships!
From the mess in the twin flame community, A lot of people aren't clear about these things \
whenever they are in a relationship or a friendship!
Due to the confusion and complication, a lot of people listen to other so- called teachers online or
on you tube, causing them to think that person is their Twin Flame or Soulmate.
At the same time with most people, they listen to other teachers and then hop from one relationship
to another one, or one friendship to another one while thinking it's their twin flame!
In the mist of hoping from one to another one, they can't discern is it a twin flame, or twin soul, or
a soulmate!
After the massive amount of disappointments, it leads them to bitter and saying that the twin flame
concept is nothing but bs.
Why is this? It comes because the lack of true guidance from the so- called teachers who are
online or on youtube.
This is what leads to people saying that there is a lot of crap and complication concerning the
Twin Flame concept.
How to do I know this? This is from the tremendous and massive amounts of video
requests that come to me and telling me that my twin flame teachings are the realest they've seen!
The questions that come to me on a weekly basis that comes through email.
This is how I know that there is a lot of mess that needs to be cleaned up in the twin flame
Great points being made Tyl