Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Twin Flames chasers: will the chaser stop chasing the runner

    As I spoken before about Twin Flame chasers,  the majority of them are extremely persistent when

it comes to wanting their twin flame very baldy.

    Throughout all of the persisting,  the chaser  will probably get a revelation that the runner does not

want the build a relationship or a friendship.

      After receiving this revelation,  this will hurt the feelings of the chaser very deeply!  This will

probably lead to depression, anger, confusion, sadness, and  constantly asking question.

     Out of all of having these possible feelings, this will lead to the question.  Will the chaser

stop chasing after being hurt by the runner?

      My answer to this question can be " yes and no!  It can go both ways all depending on how much

the chaser is willing to long suffer with the runner.

    Pertaining to the question, will the chaser stop chasing?   I spoke " yes," which is the first part of

this question.

    The reason why is because  most chasers will get extremely tired of persisting and long suffering

with the runner

     This can lead to a lot of frustration causing the chaser to say things like," I'm done with my Twin

Flame! No more long suffering, I'm giving it to the hands of the creator. This stubborn joker can't

see my friendliness or kindness. "

     This will cause the chaser to  quit and never continue chasing the runner again. The chaser moves

on with their lives, but still constantly thinks about the runner.

     The other part of the answer when I spoke, " No!"   The reason why  most chasers won't stop

because the runner is on their mind too much and can't shake it off, or  the love probably might be

way too deep.

        However, most chasers   will having feelings of frustration, anger, confusion, and asking

questions why the runner doesn't want him or her.

        Due to these negative feelings being constant, , it possibility leads the chaser to quit and give up

 for a little while! This could mean days, months, or years..

    I hope this helps. Have a great and awesome day.



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