Monday, April 30, 2018

Twin Flame chasers: is it possible to both to chase

     Here is another question that was proposed to me when it comes to the Twin Flame concept. This

comes as  when  two people who are Twin Flames  chase after each other.

    To answer this question, is it possible for two people who are Twin Flames chase each other? I

will have to say " yes!"

     In this part, the first reason could be the two people who are Twin Flames might be in

separation for a certain period of time.

      During that time of separation, the twin flames could be  missing each other at that point and 


     However, these twin flames make an effort to probably get into contact with one another in order

 to be into reunion again.

     For this part, this is what one calls two people who are Twin Flames chasing one another just

 because they desire to be each other presence again.

     In the second part,  the second reason could be the two people who are Twin Flames could be at a

 point of meeting each other for the first time.

     Due to the first meeting,  the two people  continue to think about each other  a whole lot.  This

 goes to which they notice a spiritual connection among each other.

   Therefore, this causes the two  people to start chasing after one another.  In other words, they do

whatever they got to do in order to reunite with each other.

   Hopefully this will help answer the question. peace and blessings!   

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