Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Twin Flames: Can you see characteristics of your twin flame in other people

     This was a question  from someone who was curious this phoneme.  Can this happen with

someone who has a twin flame?  Does this occur once? Does this happen every so often with folks?

      To answer this question about this phoneme occurring once or numerous of times, I would say it

can happen to someone who has a twin flame.

       I believe that it might be a sign  sent from the creator of the universe revealing something new 

about  a person's twin flame.

     To further explain,  it's a  new characertistic about a person's twin flame can be a solid

 new refection of himself or herself.

      This means that the person can learned some new characteristic of their self! Based on the

 revelation that person received about their twin flame from the creator, this adds  on to  other

 characteristics about their twin flame.

       Too, these characteristics can be  a  reminder  how much you see yourself  in your Twin Flame. 

Most of us say to ourselves," That person reminds me of few characteristics of my twin flame until

it's extremely ridiculous.

     When it comes  to what are Twin Flames? They are two people who are spirit like beings,

they're alike in a lot of ways, but have fewer differences. 

     Hope this helps. Peace and blessings.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Twin Flames chasers: will the chaser stop chasing the runner

    As I spoken before about Twin Flame chasers,  the majority of them are extremely persistent when

it comes to wanting their twin flame very baldy.

    Throughout all of the persisting,  the chaser  will probably get a revelation that the runner does not

want the build a relationship or a friendship.

      After receiving this revelation,  this will hurt the feelings of the chaser very deeply!  This will

probably lead to depression, anger, confusion, sadness, and  constantly asking question.

     Out of all of having these possible feelings, this will lead to the question.  Will the chaser

stop chasing after being hurt by the runner?

      My answer to this question can be " yes and no!  It can go both ways all depending on how much

the chaser is willing to long suffer with the runner.

    Pertaining to the question, will the chaser stop chasing?   I spoke " yes," which is the first part of

this question.

    The reason why is because  most chasers will get extremely tired of persisting and long suffering

with the runner

     This can lead to a lot of frustration causing the chaser to say things like," I'm done with my Twin

Flame! No more long suffering, I'm giving it to the hands of the creator. This stubborn joker can't

see my friendliness or kindness. "

     This will cause the chaser to  quit and never continue chasing the runner again. The chaser moves

on with their lives, but still constantly thinks about the runner.

     The other part of the answer when I spoke, " No!"   The reason why  most chasers won't stop

because the runner is on their mind too much and can't shake it off, or  the love probably might be

way too deep.

        However, most chasers   will having feelings of frustration, anger, confusion, and asking

questions why the runner doesn't want him or her.

        Due to these negative feelings being constant, , it possibility leads the chaser to quit and give up

 for a little while! This could mean days, months, or years..

    I hope this helps. Have a great and awesome day.



Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Is it possible your Twin Flame doesn't know you're their twin

    Before answering this question,  I want to shed a little light pertaining to what are Twin Flames

to everyone reading this blog post .

  Twin Flames are two spirit like beings, which these two people are connected to each other.

     This connection is not a soul-tie, but a spiritual connection. One has to understand that this

connection feels like you knew that person before time in the spirit world or in another world.

   This is what is so deep and interesting about  the twin flame connection because it's  more unique

than soul-ties.

    To answer this question, is it possible for your twin flame doesn't know you're their twin?  I will


   This is because  it can happen when the two people have met up together and both of them notice

spiritual connection.

   Next,  One of them can recognize the qualities and likeness to noticing that person is  their Twin


  Then too, the other person notice their is some sort of connection there, but doesn't understand it at


    Due to not understanding it, this leads to that person  being is possible denial  the connection

is there and also constantly thinking about the other individual.

    This  same phoneme can also happen when  after both of them have meet and known each other

quite some time.

  From this type of situation, this can lead to a possible runner and chaser cycle.  Sometimes, the

cycle can can change in quite some time.

   In that scenario, it could end up the chaser have received the revelation that the runner is their twin


   At the same time, the runner doesn't have that revelation at all leading to being denial!

  This can go the other way around with the runner has the revelation, but the chaser doesn't know at


 Hope this was an interesting blog. Have a nice day or evening.


Monday, June 11, 2018

Stop thinking about your twin flame: is it possible

        This is a question that has been posed to me a whole lot lately.  I understand the reason why

because  a lot of people want to stop thinking about their twin flame.

         These are the same people who have done all they could to stop thinking about their twin flame,

and nothing has worked.

        Even though nothing has worked at all due to them being consistent, they have this question as

 to why this spiritual connection is still there.   

         Is it possible to stop thinking about your twin flame?  I am not going to say that it's possible or

not when it comes to twin flame.  I don't want sit here and lie to you about this  extremely puzzling

and mysterious question.

       The reason for speaking about this  because of thinking about my twin flame! No matter what I

do,  it won't  shake off me .

        To tell the truth that some of you  can relate, I have done activities and being busy consistently .

It worked for a temporary time period, but  it would come back out of nowhere.

       I know some of  you can relate to this matter.  Most of you people have been consistent and it

goes away temporary.  Later on, these thoughts come back!

        On some days, my twin flame  extremely strong on my mind!  So extremely strong to the point

of can't taking it no more, it leads me on rare occasions  to venting to my truth worthy friend.

     Most of you can relate to this as well!   Most of you probably have been through this type of


      As for myself,   I do activities to calm it down, but it doesn't lead it to go away for good.  It does

help me though.

    Another thing, I do but it's rarely. When it gets extremely too strong, I do go vent to my

trustworthy friend. I  do this hardly, but like i said it's rare. It helps as well for me.

  In contrast from that, the reason why I haven't done a video on this question because of all I haven't

yet found a truthful and accurate answer. 

 The answer pertaining to this question still remains a huge mystery. I know a lot of you probably

don't want to hear it.

 I rather be real and honest with you, then to stand up telling a bold face lie!

Peace and blessings to you.

Why your friend hates you