Friday, February 23, 2018

Is Twin Flames about the new age; exposing the lie part II

   From the first  part of what I explained that a lot of people  who are ignorant of the Twin Flame

concept,  these are people who still believe that  it has something to do with the practice of the new

age dealing with the occult.

   On my journey on the teaching the  Twin Flame concept,  there are some people  who believe that

telepathy  also deal with the  practices of the occult.

    Nothing is further from the truth,   the reason why I say this because  they don't know what is

telepathy  when it comes to the Twin Flame concept.

     From what they don't understand that telepathy in the Twin Flame concept   is nothing but coming

from  two people who have spiritual connection( spirit like beings)  are feeling each other energy on

their body.

    Does this feeling each other energy has something to do with the occult? No, it doesn't because

 one isn't communicating with evil and dangerous deities or dark angels.

   The telepathic teaching in twin flame concept all comes from  two people who are Twin Flames

in the fleshly body but inward spirit like beings who feel each other energy from time to time.

     This comes time to time whenever something could be going on at the time.  That cycle could be

that the Twin Flame are thinking about each other.

      I am here to say that  we are in a fleshly body but inward body called the spirit!  This is where a

of holier than thou people who are religious don't understand at all.

      These holier than thou people are so ignorant that it speaks about the body, soul and spirit in the


      However,  telepathy doesn't have nothing to do with the new age dabbling the occult.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Is Twin Flames about the new age: exposing the lie

    I want to clarify this question and a lot of people don't understand the Twin Flames concept at all.

This  reason comes is simply because a lot of  these people believe that spiritual that has something

to do with occult practices.

    Even though that the twin flame concept comes from two people who are  two -spirit like beings

and are alike in a lot of ways, this doesn't  have nothing to do with occult practices dealing with the

new age at all.

    This reason is justified is simply because why would the creator  of the universe send two people

fleshly form who are two spirit like beings  who have a spiritual connection with each other.

      Too, These so called folks I call them holier than thou always think that when a person is seeing

numbers & synchronicity everywhere  has something to deal with practices of the occult.

      Nothing is further from the truth, the people don't understand that the creator of the universe uses

those number & synchronicity as signs to tell us reveal something concerning  one's twin flame.

     Just like in the bible same similar things when there were signs and wonders being done in

 Egypt towards Moses by the creator of the universe, this is no different folks!

      Just like when it comes to dreams on the bible, there were prophets who had dreams that were

given by the creator of the universe.

    As I ask what makes it any different from the Twin Flame concept folks?  There is none at all

when it comes to Twin Flames.

    When it comes to the Twin Flame concept, same ordeal here when the creator of the universe

 give a hidden message, but it's up to us to ask the creator what's the meaning of that dream.

      In my opinion, Twin Flames isn't nothing of dealing the new age such as the occult. It's nothing

but two people who are connected to each other by the spirit.



Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The huge mess in the Twin Flame community

   On my journey on teaching the Twin Flame concept, I have noticed there is a great  huge mess that

is in the Twin Flame community.

   Why is this?   That's simply because of people who try to look for help and more insight by so-

called teachers who teach the  concept online or on YouTube.  It doesn't make no difference.

   Due to  the majority of people who can't find help  or get confused  about the twin flame concept, it

causes them not to believe in it no more.

     This leads to a lot of unanswered questions  left in the dark about the Twin Flame concept. This

leads to people  not knowing the difference between Twin Flames, Twin Souls, Soulmates, and

Karmic Relationships!

   From the mess in the twin flame community, A lot of people aren't clear about these things  \

whenever they are in a relationship or a friendship!

   Due to the confusion and complication, a lot of people listen to other so- called teachers online or

on you tube,  causing them to think that person is their Twin Flame or Soulmate.

   At the same time with most people, they listen to other teachers and then hop from one relationship

to another one, or one friendship to another one  while thinking it's their twin flame!

   In the mist of hoping from one to another one, they can't discern is it a twin flame, or twin soul, or

 a soulmate!

   After the massive amount of disappointments,  it leads them to bitter and saying that the twin flame

concept is nothing but bs.

     Why is this?  It comes because   the lack of  true guidance from the so- called teachers who are

 online or on youtube.

    This is what leads to people saying that there is a lot of crap and complication concerning the

 Twin Flame concept.

     How to do I know this?  This is from the tremendous and massive amounts of video

requests that come to me and telling me that my twin flame teachings are the realest they've seen!

The questions that come to me on a weekly basis that comes through email.

   This is how I know that there is  a lot of mess that needs to be cleaned up in the twin flame



Friday, February 2, 2018

Twin Flames: Can Twin Flames have age differences

   This was a question that was proposed to me about Twin Flame age differences! Can this be

possible? Or can this thing not be possible?

    To answer this question, I say "Yes"!  The reason why is simply because   the age does not matter

when it comes to Twin Flames!

    Both of  Twin Flames are just two spirit like beings,but  was born in different periods or decades!

 In addition to this part, both of the Twin Flames might have the same or different zodiac signs,

 but all of this is to show the likeness and difference between both of them.

    Always remember  that the spirit like beings are the same by which there is no age, but it was for a

reason and time both of the Twin Flames were born in those time periods!

  Hope this helps! Peace and blessings to everyone!

Why your friend hates you