Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Twin Flames( Souls) vs Obsessed mind: why people think they are the same!

In this case I want to expose all why people think they are the same,but they're not at all.  Due to a  

most people being hurt in previous relationship or friendship, they  have mistaken  a person or 

probably more for  someone being their twin flame,but wasn't at all. 

Because of this happening in their life, they believe that the twin flame concept is bs?  They tend to 

bash other people who have truly explained  experienced it. 

The first reason why these people think twin flames( souls) and obsessed mind is the same  because

they had a soul tie  with someone  and had feelings for that person  from which building a  

relationship or friendship in the past to point of  they were constantly thinking about that person, but

it was temporary time period. 

The second reason why  people think twin flames ( souls) and obsessed mind is the same because 

they hop from one relationship or friendship to the other because of  the mistake of thinking 

someone is their twin flame. In reality it's not.  they are going by immediate emotional attraction to 

that person causing to think obsessively! Why  is because of the emotional attraction is there!?  

It wasn't the gut( spirit)man or spirit like being. 

These are the two main reasons why people have this mindset of thinking the twin flames is bs and 

it's nothing but an obsessed mind. 

Peace and blessings to everyone 

Monday, January 29, 2018

Twin Flames: can Jealousy be possible

This question was proposed to me concerning the Twin Flame Jealousy.  Can  a Twin Flame feel

jealous  towards the person whom he or she is in a relationship or friendship with, or that person

could have been in relationship or friendship in?

 In this position in what I speak, this could be yes or no?  Let me explain my case!  On the yes part?

This can come when Twin Flames come into a meeting with each other, then it  comes to a point of

 both of these two people build either a relationship or friendship with each!

As the friendship or relationship  as time goes on and imparting each other,  this is where the Twin

Souls come into creation.

Time goes along and passes, there begins probably a mishaps and problems to causes  a possible

separation!  After this happens, When one of the Twin Souls see  their Twin with someone else a

relationship, he or she become jealous!

Why is this?  It's because the  twin wants that person so badly due to precious memories of  he or

she had in the past.

When it comes to the no part? This can work both ways!  This means  that  a person can meet up

with their Twin Flame by which there isn't no emotional attraction towards him or her.  Leading to it

was a first time meeting.

The other way works when  two people are  twin flames but decide to go further to build a

relationship or a friendship with each other to which it forms or creates into Twin Souls!

As time goes on,  these Twin Souls  might have another friend that comes around,but never have no

feelings of jealousy towards one other.

However in this case, this jealousy doesn't form because true love is there and they're not going to do

anything to violate to dismantle the relationship or friendship.

Hope this answer the question! Peace and blessings!

Why your friend hates you